Continuous chart pen recorder for pressure- and temperature measurement
Continuous chart pen recorders are used when measuring and recording pressure continuously within a range of –1 to 1000 bar and temperature between –40 and +450°C.
The portable types are particularly suitable for installation work and check operation.
- Single-continuous chart pen recorder
- Double-continuous chart pen recorder
Technical specifications
- Types: wall fitting, front panel fitting or mobile construction site specification
- Drive system: electric, mechanic 8 or 32 days running time
- Configuration: Single, double -continuous chart pen recorder
- Chart width: Single-continuous chart pen recorder 100 or 120 mm, Double-continuous chart pen recorder 2 × 100 or 2 × 120 mm
- Feed rates: standard 20 mm/h, mechanical 5 to 120 mm/h or electrical 20 to 3600 mm/h
- Measuring ranges:pressure 0…4 mbar to 0…600 mbar, 0…0,6 bar to 0…1000 bar or –1…0 bar
- Temperature -40…450°C complying with factory standard, others on demand